誰需要學習亞歷山大技巧? Who needs it?


  • 生活中經常面對較大壓力和背負多種任務角色者
  • 身體出現腰酸背痛或偏頭痛
  • 音樂家或長期使用樂器演奏練習者
  • 生活或工作中需要長時間說話或有發聲時感到不舒服者
  • 表演藝術工作者(對身體需要有高標準的控制能力及結構排列)
  • 姿勢不良的孩童(最佳開始時間:7歲)
  • 任何希望自我身心協調改善的人

The Alexander Technique can help you if …

  • You suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or chronic pain.
  • You have a repetitive headache.
  • You need to speak a lot or have a sore throat.
  • You have a lower back pain, neck pain and stiff shoulders.
  • You are not comfortable sitting in front of computer.
  • You are a singer, musician, actor, dancer or athlete and feel you are not performing at your full potential.
  • You are interested in self wellness improvement and mindfulness.